
Xamarin.Forms Walkthrough 2: The Curious Case of Code Sharing

In this walk through we will discuss the detailed structure and concepts of code sharing in Xamarin.Forms. Before going into this article it will be good and helpful if you go through the following article to get into the flow of Xamarin. Xamarin.Forms Walkthrough 1 : Getting started with Xamarin Only by having a deep knowledge in Xamarin will help you to maximize your ability to share code. When we start to create a cross-platform project we will get a N+1 projects under a solution, where N represents the number of platforms you are targeting and the extra project will carry the code which will be shared across all your platforms. Before going further you must be aware of the .NET frameworks used in Xamarin. The versions of the .NET Framework that are used in Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Windows Phone are not full versions of the .NET Framework. They are smaller subsets designed to work more efficiently on mobile platforms. When we start to share code using Xamarin.F...

Xamarin.Forms Walkthrough 1: Getting Started with Xamarin

In this walkthrough we will be learning the basic concepts of the world of Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms, that is a historical step in the creation of cross-platform mobile applications. Here we will talk about why or how Xamarin’s approach to create a framework differs from some of the other cross-platform frameworks. We’ll also explain the prestigious concepts of  Write Once, Run Everywhere/Anywhere. In the very beginning, there were many manufacturers of mobile devices, who had their own view or vision about the world of mobile technology look like with their operating systems. They began to build their own tools and Software Development Kits (SDKs) to support their technology, that was a little confusing for developers about how to choose the one among the others that can crack the future! If you wanted to target Android, you had to learn Java. If you wanted to target the iOS, you had to learn Objective-C. And if you dared to target the Windows Phone, you had to learn C#....

Face Detection In Xamarin.Android

First we can create our main layout having a button to take picture using camera and name it as: Main.axml <? xml   version = "1.0"   encoding = "utf-8" ?>    < LinearLayout   xmlns:android = ""         android:orientation = "vertical"         android:layout_width = "fill_parent"         android:layout_height = "match_parent"         android:padding = "10dip" >         < TextView             android:layout_width = "fill_parent"             android:layout_height = "wrap_content"             android:text = "Click Take a Picture button"       ...